Our mission for our children's ministry is to teach the next generation so they will know and treasure Christ.  We desire to see lives transformed by Jesus and for children to become committed followers of Him.  We believe this will happen as we prayerfully and faithfully teach children God's Word and lovingly proclaim the gospel.

"We will tell the next generation the praiseworthy deeds of the Lord, His power, and the wonders He has done."  

Psalm 78:4b


9:00 - 9:45 a.m.

We use The Gospel Project curriculum in our preschool and school-aged programs.  Parents are encouraged to review the activity sheets with your children as they have additional resource suggestions in the margin. 

Sunday School offerings by age (birth - 5th grades)

  • NextGen Nursery (Birth - up to 24 months)
  • NextGen Preschool 2 - 3's Class
  • NextGen Preschool 4's, 5's & K's Class
  • NextGen Kids - 1st - 3rd Grades
  • NextGen Kids - 4th - 5th Grades

9:45 - 11:15 a.m.

Extended Care (birth - K)

We offer Extended Care for birth through Kindergarten.  For those coming for the Worship Gathering from 10 - 11:15 a.m., the Extended Care classes break down as follows:

  • NextGen Nursery (Birth - up to 24 months)
  • NextGen Preschool 2-3's Class
  • NextGen Preschool 4's, 5's & K's Class

NextGen Kids Church - 1st - 5th Grades  

After Sunday School, the 1st - 5th graders are released to their parents to attend the song portion of the worship service.  Then, the children are invited to attend NextGen Kids Church, which is offered every Sunday except when we celebrate the Lord's Supper together as a church family on the second Sunday of the month. As always, children are certainly welcome to remain in the sanctuary during the sermon each week.  

NextGen Kids Church (NGKC)

NextGen Kids Church is an interactive time where the kids are able to talk and move and be taught God's Word on their level.  Our school-aged children currently going through "In the Beginning...Jesus". This curriculum tells the chronological story of redemptive history beginning in Genesis and going through Revelation!  Our NGKC 1st-3rd grade class meets in the Hospitality Room and the NGKC 4th-5th grade class gathers upstairs. 

Parents, please pick your children up from NextGen Kids Church and Extended Care immediately after the sermon.  Our volunteers appreciate it very much!😃

Health and Safety Matters  

Concerning background screenings

Every volunteer that serves with our children are required to have a background screening through MinistrySafe Partners and are given the Sexual Abuse Training.  We have a wonderful bunch of volunteers who serve the Lord by serving with our precious ones.

Concerning COVID, Colds and Flu

We can all agree that COVID has changed the way we do things in kids ministry.  Please keep your child at home if they are not feeling well.  We have hand sanitizer available throughout the area, and we have added classes to spread the preschool children out more.  Be assured that after every room is used, every flat surface and all toys are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized so that we can provide a safe environment for our children. 

Summer Schedule

Looking for a fun thing to do this summer with your kids?  Come join us!  For more information, call 479-846-3939.  

If you've never joined us for one of our activities, we are thrilled to have you join in!  Please call the church office and let us know you plan to come. It will help us to be prepared for your arrival! 😃

Sproing - 2024

Children's SUMMER CAMP

packed into one weekend!

April 12 -14, 2024


church camp - 2024

Children's Summer Camp

A week at Camp siloam

June 3 -7, 2024

For kids 3rd - 6th grades completed

We are already reserving spots for camp!  if you know your child is interested in going to summer camp, contact Karen to reserve your child's spot today at khays@pgfirst.com.

For more information, go to www.campsiloam.com.

Backyard Bible clubs 2024

Denise Marshall's Yard

889 W. Foothills Drive - Fayetteville

Maple woods Apartments

Parking lot - Prairie Grove

Village Green Apartments

Parking lot - prairie grove

David & Karen Hays' yard

14986 sam tyree road - Prairie grove

More information available at WWW.PGFIRSTBACKYARDBIBLECLUB.COM

NGK Wednesdays!

Wednesday EVENINGS

Fall and Spring Semesters

6:00-7:15 p.m.

As our NextGen Kids Mission Statement reads, teaching the next generation of kids so they will know and treasure Christ is at the center of everything we do at PGFirst!  Fundamental to accomplishing this mission is teaching kids the good news about Jesus in God's Word.  

Beginning September 11, our older school-aged children (4th-5th grades) are going through the "I Will Build My Church" curriculum.  This curriculum helps the children understand the beauty of God's church.  It's not made up of "brick and mortar"; it's made up of God's people who "are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ" (I Peter 2:5).  Our younger school-aged children (1st-3rd grades) are working through Proverbs and learning the difference between being wise and being foolish in "The Way of the Wise" curriculum.    Our preschool children use the Gospel Project curriculum, which adds another layer to the previous Sunday school lesson. In all that we do, our desire is that we would reach the next generation with the gospel of Jesus Christ Who is our Redeemer and Who is the Hero of every Bible story!

We realize that it's difficult to get the family fed and to church by 6 p.m., so we will be provide a sack supper each week for the preschool and school-aged children.  *Please note:  we regularly pack Peanut Butter & Grape Jelly in the sack suppers.  Please let Ms. Karen know if your child has a peanut allergy.

Additionally, we will offer childcare in the nursery (ages birth-36 months) for parents involved in Wednesday night Bible studies. 

Each week, we have a fun theme for the kids.  Of course, participation is optional but it does make it more fun when everyone plays along. Click HERE to see this semester's schedule. 

mother's day out

Mother's Day Out is a program to assist busy moms by providing child-care and a learning opportunity for their children. It is available on Tuesdays & Thursdays from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. throughout the school year.  The program operates in conjunction with the Prairie Grove School calendar.  

Our purpose is to provide a safe, nurturing environment that promotes spiritual development of young children by teaching them Christian values and principles of faith.

Enrollment: Mother's Day Out serves children between the ages of 18 months and 5 years old. Please contact Rhonda Stone for more information. 

Download Registration Form