9:00 - 9:50 a.m.
We use The Gospel Project curriculum in our preschool and school-aged programs. Parents are encouraged to review the activity sheets with your children as they have additional resource suggestions in the margin.
Sunday School offerings by age (birth - 5th grades)
- NextGen Nursery (Birth - up to 24 months)
- NextGen Preschool + K Kids Class
- NextGen Younger Kids - 1st-3rd Grades
- NextGen Older Kids - 4th-5th Grades
9:50 - 11:15 a.m.
Extended Care (birth - K)
We offer Extended Care for birth through Kindergarten. For those coming for the Worship Gathering from 10 - 11:15 a.m., the Extended Care classes break down as follows:
- NextGen Nursery (Birth - up to 24 months)
- NextGen Preschool + K Class
NextGen Kids Church - 1st - 5th Grades
After Sunday School, the 1st - 5th graders are released to their parents to attend the song portion of the worship service. Then, the children are invited to attend NextGen Kids Church, which is offered every Sunday except when we celebrate the Lord's Supper together as a church family on the second Sunday of the month. As always, children are certainly welcome to remain in the sanctuary during the sermon each week.
NextGen Kids Church (NGKC)
NextGen Kids Church is an interactive time where the kids are able to talk and move and be taught God's Word on their level. Our school-aged children currently going through "The ABCs of God". This curriculum focuses on the attributes of God, answering questions like Who is God? What is God? How should I act toward Him? Our NGKC class meets in the Hospitality Room.
Parents, please pick your children up from NextGen Kids Church and Extended Care immediately after the sermon. Our volunteers appreciate it very much!😃
Health and Safety Matters
Concerning background screenings
Every volunteer that serves with our children are required to have a background screening through MinistrySafe Partners and are given the Sexual Abuse Training. We have a wonderful bunch of volunteers who serve the Lord by serving with our precious ones.
Concerning COVID, Colds and Flu
We can all agree that COVID has changed the way we do things in kids' ministry. Please keep your child at home if they are not feeling well. We have hand sanitizer available throughout the area. Be assured that after every room is used, every flat surface and all toys are thoroughly cleaned and sanitized so that we can provide a safe environment for our children.