
If you would like to become a member of PG First, we ask that you fulfill the following expectations in accordance with Scripture:

  • PROFESSION OF FAITH IN JESUS CHRIST - The Scriptures identify the members of the body of Christ as those who have responded  to the grace of God through faith in the person and works of Jesus Christ. Salvation comes to those who repent from sin and place their faith in Christ’s death on the cross for the forgiveness of their sins.
  • BELIEVER'S BAPTISM - If you have not already undergone believers’ baptism by immersion (at PG First or another church), you must do so prior to being received as a member of PG First.  In virtually every case in the New Testament where someone trusted in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, the person was baptized, or immersed, in water as an outward expression of their faith.
  • MEMBERSHIP CLASS - Our Membership Class is offered a few times a year.. The class meets on Sunday mornings and is lead by one of the staff or elders.  Those who desire to become members of PG First may attend this class to find out more information, including PG First's mission, vision, and core beliefs, as well as all membership requirements and expectations. It provides an opportunity to ask any questions you have and gain a clear understanding of what you are committing to by becoming a member of our church family.  Current PG First members are welcome to attend as well!
  • MEMBERSHIP - We ask that new members sign a Membership Covenant when officially joining our church family. The Membership Covenant briefly explains each of the expectations of membership at PG First.